Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision
Section 5 Vision Services and Supplies
Section 5 Vision Services and Supplies
Section 5 Vision Services and Supplies
Important things you should keep in mind about these benefits:
Please remember that all benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions in this brochure and are payable only when we determine they are necessary for the prevention, diagnosis, care or treatment of a covered condition and meet generally accepted protocols.
Please remember that all benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions in this brochure and are payable only when we determine they are necessary for the prevention, diagnosis, care or treatment of a covered condition and meet generally accepted protocols.
- All BCBS FEP Vision independent providers are required to extend a 20% discount to all members that purchase additional frames, and/or spectacle lenses and/or daily wear contact lenses, and a 10% discount when purchasing additional disposable contact lenses. This discount can either be in conjunction with their benefit (pair 2, 3, etc.) or at any other time. The materials portion of the member’s benefit does not need to be exhausted first in order for the member to receive this discount.
- We offer additional benefits for children age 13 and under. See full details below.
- We offer additional benefits for members with specific conditions (e.g., diabetes, hypertension) see full details below.