Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision
Section 5 Vision Services and Supplies
Section 5 Vision Services and Supplies
Low Vision
Low Vision: Low vision is a significant loss of vision but not total blindness. Ophthalmologists and optometrists specializing in low vision care can evaluate and prescribe optical devices, and provide training and instruction to maximize the remaining usable vision for our members with low vision. After pre-authorization by BCBS FEP Vision, covered low vision services (both in- and out-of-network) will include one comprehensive low vision evaluation every 5 years, with a maximum charge of $300; maximum low vision aid allowance of $600 with a lifetime maximum of $1,200 for items such as high-power spectacles, magnifiers and telescopes; and follow-up care – four visits in any five-year period, with a maximum charge of $100 each visit. Participating providers will obtain the necessary pre-authorization for these services.