Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision
Section 3 How You Obtain Care
Section 3 How You Obtain Care
We negotiate rates with vision care providers to help save you money. BCBS FEP Vision in-network providers are referred to as participating providers and are contracted through Davis Vision. When scheduling an appointment, you should identify yourself as a member of the FEDVIP BCBS FEP Vision plan. The provider is then responsible for verifying eligibility by contacting BCBS FEP Vision either by telephone or via the web. If you use a participating provider to obtain covered care, benefits are paid at the in-network level. You are responsible for covered charges up to our negotiated plan allowance.
BCBS FEP Vision also offers several in-network e-commerce options such as:,,, and Check the website for additional options.
Under Standard Option, you must stay in-network for covered services. If you receive care from a non-participating provider, we will not pay for any services unless you reside in a limited access area. Please see Section 4, Your Cost For Covered Services.
BCBS FEP Vision also offers several in-network e-commerce options such as:,,, and Check the website for additional options.
Under Standard Option, you must stay in-network for covered services. If you receive care from a non-participating provider, we will not pay for any services unless you reside in a limited access area. Please see Section 4, Your Cost For Covered Services.