Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision
Section 1 Eligibility
Section 1 Eligibility
TRICARE-eligible individual
An individual who is eligible for FEDVIP dental coverage based on the individual's eligibility to previously be covered under the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program or an individual eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage based on the individual's enrollment in a specified TRICARE health plan.
Retired members of the uniformed services and National Guard/Reserve components, including “gray-area” retirees under age 60 and their families are eligible for FEDVIP dental coverage. These individuals, if enrolled in a TRICARE health plan, are also eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage. In addition, uniformed services active-duty family members who are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan are eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage.
Retired members of the uniformed services and National Guard/Reserve components, including “gray-area” retirees under age 60 and their families are eligible for FEDVIP dental coverage. These individuals, if enrolled in a TRICARE health plan, are also eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage. In addition, uniformed services active-duty family members who are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan are eligible for FEDVIP vision coverage.