Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision
Section 2 Enrollment
Section 2 Enrollment
Opportunities to Enroll or Change Enrollment
Open Season
If you are an eligible employee, annuitant, or TRICARE-eligible individual, you may enroll in a dental and/or vision plan during the November 14, through midnight EST December 12, 2022, Open Season. Coverage is effective January 1, 2023.
During future annual Open Seasons, you may enroll in a plan, or change or cancel your dental and/ or vision coverage. The effective date of these Open Season enrollments and changes will be set by OPM. If you want to continue your current enrollment, do nothing. Your enrollment carries over from year to year, unless you change it.
New hire/Newly eligible
You may enroll within 60 days after you become eligible as:
Your enrollment will be effective the first day of the pay period following the one in which BENEFEDS receives and confirms your enrollment.
Qualifying Life Event
A qualifying life event (QLE) is an event that allows you to enroll, or if you are already enrolled, allows you to change your enrollment outside of an Open Season.
The following chart lists the QLEs and the enrollment actions you may take:
Qualifying Life Event: Marriage
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes
Qualifying Life Event: Acquiring an eligible family member (non-spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Losing a covered family member
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: Yes
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Losing other dental/vision coverage (eligible or covered person)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Moving out of regional plan’s service area
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes
Qualifying Life Event: Going on active military duty, non-pay status (enrollee or spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: Yes
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Returning to pay status from active military duty (enrollee or spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Returning to pay status from Leave without pay
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes (if enrollment cancelled during LWOP)
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes (if enrollment cancelled during LWOP)
Qualifying Life Event: Annuity/ compensation restored
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Transferring to an eligible position*
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: Yes
Change from One Plan to Another: No
*Position must be in a Federal agency that provides dental and/or vision coverage with 50 percent or more employer-paid premium.
The time frame for requesting a QLE change is from 31 days before to 60 days after the event. There are two exceptions:
Generally, enrollments and enrollment changes made based on a QLE are effective on the first day of the pay period following the one in which BENEFEDS receives and confirms the enrollment or change. BENEFEDS will send you confirmation of your new coverage effective date.
Once you enroll in a plan, your 60-day window for that type of plan ends, even if 60 calendar days have not yet elapsed. That means once you have enrolled in either a dental or a vision plan, you cannot change or cancel that particular enrollment until the next Open Season, unless you experience a QLE that allows such a change or cancellation.
Canceling an Enrollment
You may cancel your enrollment only during the annual Open Season. An eligible family member’s coverage also ends upon the effective date of the cancellation.
Your cancellation is effective at the end of the day before the date OPM sets as the Open Season effective date.
If you are an eligible employee, annuitant, or TRICARE-eligible individual, you may enroll in a dental and/or vision plan during the November 14, through midnight EST December 12, 2022, Open Season. Coverage is effective January 1, 2023.
During future annual Open Seasons, you may enroll in a plan, or change or cancel your dental and/ or vision coverage. The effective date of these Open Season enrollments and changes will be set by OPM. If you want to continue your current enrollment, do nothing. Your enrollment carries over from year to year, unless you change it.
New hire/Newly eligible
You may enroll within 60 days after you become eligible as:
- a new employee;
- a previously ineligible employee who transferred to a covered position;
- a survivor annuitant if not already covered under FEDVIP;
- an employee returning to service following a break in service of at least 31 days; or
- a TRICARE-eligible individual.
Your enrollment will be effective the first day of the pay period following the one in which BENEFEDS receives and confirms your enrollment.
Qualifying Life Event
A qualifying life event (QLE) is an event that allows you to enroll, or if you are already enrolled, allows you to change your enrollment outside of an Open Season.
The following chart lists the QLEs and the enrollment actions you may take:
Qualifying Life Event: Marriage
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes
Qualifying Life Event: Acquiring an eligible family member (non-spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Losing a covered family member
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: Yes
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Losing other dental/vision coverage (eligible or covered person)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: Yes
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Moving out of regional plan’s service area
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes
Qualifying Life Event: Going on active military duty, non-pay status (enrollee or spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: Yes
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Returning to pay status from active military duty (enrollee or spouse)
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Returning to pay status from Leave without pay
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes (if enrollment cancelled during LWOP)
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: Yes (if enrollment cancelled during LWOP)
Qualifying Life Event: Annuity/ compensation restored
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: Yes
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: No
Change from One Plan to Another: No
Qualifying Life Event: Transferring to an eligible position*
From Not Enrolled to Enrolled: No
Increase Enrollment Type: No
Decrease Enrollment Type: No
Cancel: Yes
Change from One Plan to Another: No
*Position must be in a Federal agency that provides dental and/or vision coverage with 50 percent or more employer-paid premium.
The time frame for requesting a QLE change is from 31 days before to 60 days after the event. There are two exceptions:
- There is no time limit for a change based on moving from a regional plan’s service area.
- You cannot request a new enrollment based on a QLE before the QLE occurs, except for enrollment because of loss of dental or vision insurance. You must make the change no later than 60 days after the event.
Generally, enrollments and enrollment changes made based on a QLE are effective on the first day of the pay period following the one in which BENEFEDS receives and confirms the enrollment or change. BENEFEDS will send you confirmation of your new coverage effective date.
Once you enroll in a plan, your 60-day window for that type of plan ends, even if 60 calendar days have not yet elapsed. That means once you have enrolled in either a dental or a vision plan, you cannot change or cancel that particular enrollment until the next Open Season, unless you experience a QLE that allows such a change or cancellation.
Canceling an Enrollment
You may cancel your enrollment only during the annual Open Season. An eligible family member’s coverage also ends upon the effective date of the cancellation.
Your cancellation is effective at the end of the day before the date OPM sets as the Open Season effective date.